Roof Shingles Nailed Down
What if my roof shingles or tiles are glued/nailed down at the roof edge?
If your roof shingles or tiles are glued/nailed down at the roof edge, do not disturb the shingles, you can bend the mesh up or down in the back while retaining between a 5 and 25 degree forward slant (positive slope) on our gutter guard. Then you would screw the back mesh into the fascia, thus not having to slide it under the shingles. Once installed and ensuring you have the front edge of our gutter guard laying flat on the front edge of your gutter, then you should achieve optimal performance.

Note: When an install requires bending of the mesh, it is considered a non-traditional install, which will require a little more work and time.
Visit our HOW TO INSTALL on this website and view the following media associated with this FAQ:
- Install & Users Guide: Two Very Important Installation Rules so rainwater doesn’t run over your gutter on page 8.
- Install & Users Guide: How To Bend The Mesh on pages 9 and 10.
- Video and photos: How To Bend The Mesh.